AdFund Documentation

AdFund - Fund Raising Platform Website | Android-iOS App | Admin Panel

AdFund is a full functional system of Crowdfunding and Fund Raising Platform. Here, Admin will be able to crate events and Campaigns based on different categories help needed for impotent people. The ones who want to donate regarding their interest for this group of people, will be able to donate through this site. Crowdfunding is a business funding strategy that focuses on raising smaller amounts of money from a larger collective of individuals. Compare that to traditional fundraising, which relies on raising large sums of money from accredited investors or venture capital firms, one source at a time. There are available Automatic and Manual Payment gateway. It's a complete business module. If you are interested to develop your own Fund Raising Platform Website | Android-iOS App | Admin Panel. AdFund is perfect for you. It is also designed with users' ease of use in mind. Due to this security system, users can easily input their information without any hesitation. Get this software license for entrepreneurs and start-ups. Our main goal is to provide software to entrepreneurs at a low cost.

Server Requirements

  1. PHP 8.1
  2. Laravel 9.1
  3. MySQL 5.1
  4. Terminal
  5. Composer
  6. Extensions : Ctype PHP, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, Zip, Fileinfo, Gd, sodium Extension
  7. Mod_rewrite Apache
  8. BCMath PHP extension

Setup Server


After download the code from codecayon upload the and adfund-web-new files in your server following your expected directory and extract the zip file. It's website and admin panel can be installed on a domain or subdomain: For Example, OR

Website & Admin Panel Installation:
  1. Step 1:
    Please login your cPanel account & follow these steps
    • Go to file manager
    • server
    • Open public_html folder & click on Upload button
    • server server server server server server server server
  2. Step 2:
    Then, Go to mySQL database
  3. server server server server server
  4. Step 3:
    Go back file manager & follow these steps
  5. server server server
  6. Step 4:
    Must have enable terminal on the cPanel
  7. server
                                            cd public_html 

    composer update && composer dumpautoload && php artisan migrate:fresh --seed && php artisan passport:install --force

    Final report look like this


    Configuration! you have successfully run the website. Please go to web browser & checkout your domain


Setup Admin Panel

    Login admin panel and go to dashboard, please changes some basic information for run the site

    Example Admin Credentials:
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: appdevs
  1. Admin Profile>Set your own information and login credentials
  2. Setup Email>Email Method: using SMTP webmail for configuration
  3. Web Settings>Basic Settings: setup business and basic information
  4. Web Settings>Image Assets
  5. Web Settings>Setup SEO
  6. Setup Curreny>Update with your own currency
  7. Campaigns>Add your own Campaigns, which you want.
  8. Payment Methods>Add Money>Automatic: put your own payment credentials

Setup App Environment

  1. Android Studio/VS Code: To customised this project you should have Flutter and Dart installed and configured effectively on your device Install Flutter Set up your editor Install the Flutter and Dart Plugins.
  2. Java (JDK): Install java jdk version - 11(LTS) according to your os system.
  3. Dart (SDK): Install the latest stable version of Dart.
  4. Flutter (SDK): To configure this project you have to install flutter version - 3.3.10.
  5. nb
  6. Unzip the flies folder and open it. There have source code name as AdFund-app, then use your preferred IDE (Android Studio / Visual Code / IntelliJ) to open the project.
Please run this command:
                                flutter pub get

Setup App

  1. Set Domain: Go to /lib/backend/services/api_endpoint.dart file and put your own domain.
  2. app
  3. Logo/Icon Change: Go to /assets/ file and replace all image assets with keep the file name same.
  4. app
  5. Package Name and App Laucnher Name-Icon Change: Go to /pubspec.yml/ file and put your luncher icon path and app name.
  6. app Please run all command:
                                            flutter pub get
    flutter pub run flutter_app_name
                                            flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons
                                            flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main
    Where is the new package name that you want for your app. replace it with any name you want.
  7. Please try to use real device for installing app, sometimes it's not run emulator/simulator

Build & Run:

Run the Android Application:

  1. In the target selector, select an Android device for running the app. If none are listed as available, select Tools> Android > AVD Manager and create one there. For details, see Managing AVDs. Click the run icon in the toolbar, or invoke the menu item Run > Run. Locate the main Android Studio toolbar:
  2. If you don't use Android Studio or IntelliJ you can use the command line to run your application using the following command:
  3.                                         flutter run

Run the iOS Application:

  1. The first thing that we require in hand is a test flutter app on our Mac
  2. Before we start testing our flutter app on the iPhone you need to make sure that our phone trusts us as a developer on that device. To do that follow this path go:
  3.                                         Settings > General > Device Management or Profile > (Tap On) Trust “Your Developer Name”
  4. To test or deploy our flutter app to a physical device we first need to enable physical device deployment in Xcode using Apple ID or an Apple Developer account. And we also need to set up a package manager to manage flutter plugins that are to be used in the project.
  5. First, we are going to install a third-party package manager called CocoaPods to manage flutter plugins that our project might depend on. To install and set up cocoapod the below command needs to be executed successfully in the terminal.
  6.                                         $ sudo gem install cocoapods
  7. After we are done with the cocoapod installation we will proceed to locate the Runner.xcworkspace file inside the ios folder in our project directory. Then we need to open this file on the Xcode with a double click. OR write command
  8.                                         $ open ios/Runner.xcworkspace
  9. When it’s done loading we need to make sure we are on the Runner file which is listed first on the left menu bar.
  10. build
  11. After that, we need to be inside the Signing & Capabilities page. In this page we will click on the button which says ‘Add an Account’.
  12. build
  13. And add your Apple ID, put your password and select your account.
  14. build
  15. Now, go back to the General tab and change the Bundle Identifier to something unique. (In place of “example” put something else).
  16. build
  17. So, if you haven’t already connected your iPhone you will see “No device” in the search bar shown below.
  18. build
  19. Go ahead and connect your phone with the PC and when it’s done you will see a phone icon in place of “No device”. Select your phone which will take a few seconds to load.
  20. build
  21. And once that is done you need to press the play button on the left menu bar, which will start building the app on the iPhone
  22. build
  23. This process will take some time and once it’s done you will see a message appear that says the build process was completed successfully.
  24. build

Install And Release Android App:

Here is your section structure.

  1. After you make all your changes and customizations save all your project, Open the console, navigate to your project folder and execute the following command to build your app:
  2.                                         flutter build apk --release
  3. If you are deploying the app to the Play Store, it's recommended to use app bundles or split the APK to reduce the APK size.

Build and Install App:

  1. To generate an app bundle, run:
  2.                                         flutter build appbundle --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64
    Learn more on
  3. To split the APKs per ABI, run:
  4.                                         flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64 --split-per-abi
    Learn more on
  5. If you want to upload your application on Google Play you must sign it before uploading, generate a signing key by running the following command:
  6.                                         keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/app/key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias key
  7. Reference the keystore from the app: Create a file named appdir/android/ that contains a reference to your keystore:
  8.                                         storePassword=password from previous step 
    keyPassword=password from previous step
    storeFile=location of the key store file, e.g. /Users/user name/key.jks
  9. Go to android/app/build.gradle
  10.                                         def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file("")
    def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
    keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))

    • signingConfigs {
        release {
          keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
          keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
          storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
          storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
    • buildTypes {
        release {
         signingConfig signingConfigs.release
  11. Learn More: Build and release an Android app

Install And Release iOS App:

Before you can build and release your app on the App Store, you need to set up a place for it using App Store Connect. But first, you need to register a unique bundle ID for your app. This can be done by logging into your Apple Developer account and following these steps:

  1. Login to AppStore Conscole Account Click Here
  2. Open the App IDs page.
  3. Click + to create a new Bundle ID.
  4. Fill out the needed information: App Name, and Explicit App ID.
  5. If your app needs specific services, select them and click Continue.
  6. Review the details and click Register to finish.
  7. Then go to account dashboard Select My Apps.
  8. Click + then select New App.
  9. Fill in your app details and make sure iOS is selected, then click Create.
  10. From the sidebar, select App Information.
  11. In the General Information section, select the Bundle ID that you registered above.
  12. You’ve set everything up from Apple’s side, and next you’ll adjust your Xcode project’s settings to prepare your app for release. Go ahead and fire up Xcode.
  13. Open Runner.xcworkspace that is inside your app’s iOS folder.
  14. From the Xcode project navigator, select the Runner project.
  15. Go to the General tab.
  16. In the Identity section, fill out the information and make sure the Bundle Identifier is the one registered on App Store Connect.
  17. In the Signing section, make sure Automatically manage signing is checked and select your team
  18. Fill out the rest of the information as needed.
  19. Next, you’ll update your app’s icon. This can be done by selecting Assets.xcassets in the Runner folder from Xcode’s project navigator.
  20. At this point, all the settings have been updated for release and there is a placeholder ready on App Store Connect, which means you can build and release.
  21. From the command line, run flutter build ios
  22. Then go back to Xcode and reopen Runner.xcworkspace
  23. Select Product -> Scheme -> Runner
  24. Select Product -> Destination -> Generic iOS Device.
  25. Select Product -> Archive to produce a build archive.
  26. From the Xcode Organizer window, select your iOS app from the sidebar, then select the build archive you just produced.
  27. Click the Validate… button to build.
  28. Once the archive is successfully validated, click Upload to App Store
  29. Back on App Store Connect, check the status of your build from the Activities tab. Once it’s ready to release:
  30. Go to Pricing and Availability and fill out the required information.
  31. From the sidebar, select the status.
  32. Select Prepare for Submission and complete all required fields.
  33. Click Submit for Review
  34. Learn More: Build and release an iOS app
  35. That’s it! Your app will now be uploaded to the App Store. Apple will review your app before releasing and keep you updated on the status of your app.

Version Update for Only Old Buyer


After re-download the code from codecayon upload the and adfund-web-update files in your server following your expected directory and extract the zip file.

Website & Admin Panel Installation:
  1. Step 1:
    Please login your cPanel account & follow these steps
    • Go to file manager
    • server
    • Open public_html folder & click on Upload button
    • server server server server

      Final Step: Update v3.0.0 to v3.1.0

      1. Please run these command after updating file on terminal:
      2.                                                     composer update && composer dumpautoload && php artisan migrate
                                                            php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\V3_1_0\\PaymentGatewaySeeder
                                                            php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\UpdateFeatureSeeder
                                                            php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\V3_1_0\\UpdateCategoriesSeeder
                                                            php artisan passport:install --force

      Final Step: Update v2.0.0 to v3.0.0

      1. Please run these command after updating file on terminal:
      2.                                                     composer update && composer dumpautoload && php artisan migrate
                                                            php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\V3_0_0\\PaymentGatewaySeeder
                                                            php artisan passport:install --force


Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this app. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this app. Just let us know, We will assist you. Contact us at support center.

Available Technical Team Here: Submit Ticket with Purchase Code

[N.B. For this project, you have to follow our documentation where we noted the requirements. if you face any kind of problems or fail to configure this project, then we are not responsible for this situation. after that, if you want to configure this project by us then you will have to pay for that installation charge. Thank You.]